Friday, April 4, 2014

My Husband is like a Pregnancy Bloodhound

Dear Mom,
Did you know your first born son can detect a pregnant woman from a mile away at least? Seriously wether it's me, other women, characters on TV shows or whatever he always knows when someone is pregnant, it's almost freaky. He always knows I am pregnant before I do and not only that he always knows the genders of our babies!!!! I don't get it. He either has a dream or he just knows but he is ALWAYS right. Which kinda sucks for  him since he likes to be suprized about that kind of stuff. He knew we were havin a girl when we went into the ultrasound and he never told me. I even asked him do you have any inklings about the gender and he looked me in the eye and said no. That punk. Anyway I thought you would like to know these fun little talents your son has.

1 comment:

  1. That stinker! I had no idea. Dad always had kind of a sixth sense about our baby's genders too.
