Monday, May 5, 2014


Dear Mom,
I don't feel well today. We have been having cold cereal a lot for breakfast recently because it's easy, fast and we really suck at getting up on time. I have learned though that cold cereal is not enough for me. I need something more substantial and nutritious. So hubris morning we were running late and my kitchen was a mess so we had cold cereal and then we took JT to school and the boys and I ran errands. By the end of all of our errands I was feeling pretty cruddy. Tired, hungry, nauseous, etc. we came home and put Nathaniel down for a late nap and then I warmed up some left overs for lunch. Eating helped a little but I still feel somewhat nauseous and I am still exhausted. The problem is I don't know if I am really all that tired or because I know my iron is low and I should be tired that I am making a bigger deal out of this then I should. I wish I didn't know my iron was low so then I could just listen to my body and not have to worry about my brain getting in the way. I am also anxious to hear how my blood work turned out so I know if I have this diabetes thing or not, I should find out today. I also wonder if I am suffering from allergies like JT is (he asked me to go buy him medicine today, I almost fainted from shock), at least after talking to dad that what he thinks is up, I hope it is because it would be great to have him well again. 
I think this is the smallest I have ever been this far along in a pregnancy. But I feel like this little girl sure takes up the space well. I don't know if she feels like a big baby because I still look fairly little but she is the most active of any of our children and I am almost always feeling kicks in multiple places simultaneously, which is something I have never felt until this pregnancy. I keep thinking that secretly I am having twins ;) my stomach also feel tight much more often then I am used to. Any kind of bending or physical activity seems to trigger Braxton hicks or just over all tightness. If ever any of our children were going to come early it would be this one. I don't know if I should be worried, I'm not overly worried. The problem is I have been having to have my doc appointments on Saturdays so JT can watch the kids but that means I only ever see the doctors I haven't seen a midwife in a couple months and I really want to because I feel weird explaining thing like this to a doctor they just seem to look at me and go ok. I feel like if I told me midwife though she would talk to me and be interested in knowing that I feel smaller but still full, you know? I don't know if that makes sense, but it did to me. I have a friend that I am exchanging babysitting with now so I can get in during the week and see the midwives, plus I really need to meet the new one. I should probably do that before I deliver :) 
I was really excited to clean my house today because it's messier than it's been in a lie and I just love getting to the end of a Monday and knowing my whole house is clean, but maybe I will take it easy and try to nap instead. Miss you tons!

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