Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Awkward moments and important lessons

So in case you weren't aware I get the pleasure of being involved in almost every embarrassing social moment known to man. I often ask people about their lives and realize I am bringing up some sper painful memory or feeling, its great. Everyone loves to be around me. So on November 30th we had a ward Christmas party, I know right? Anyway I saw my friend Stephanie and I went up to wish her a happy birthday. She was talking to  Amber who was due to have a baby girl right around Thanksgiving. She didn't look pregnant anymore so I assumed she had the baby, having heard no news on the event. I went up said hi wished Stephanie and happy birthday and then proceeded to ask Amber how she was doing. She said not well so I said I am sorry and tried to ask her about the delivery and the little baby and in response I am not getting much more than a few words. Finally she cooly says I dont want to talk about it and walks away. Flabbergasted I realized that maybe I was being to personal in asking how the delivery went and what didn't go well. After Amber walked away Stephanie turned to me and said, "You know her baby didn't make it." So then I felt awful. Realizing this horrible mistake I had made and yet not knowing how to fix it. Do I go up and apologize and make it feel all the more real or do I hope she is just very forgiving and figures I didn't know. I assumed the second one since I was to embarrassed and ashamed to go speak with her again.
The next day I am on campus going to the Christmas concert and I ran into my friend before the show I looked at her we said hello and I said so how many days until you get married(I knew it was sometime this month). She looked at me and said "well...." I instantly knew the engagement had been broken off and once again felt like the scum of the earth. I apologized told her this was my curse in life to be this person that unsheathes painful news and as I told her my story from the previous night she apologized and said I am so sorry for you. She had to leave and we parted ways on an awkward, Lizzy you suck at being social, kind of note.
As awkward as these experiences were they taught me a great lesson. The last few days these women have been in my thoughts and prayers a lot. I cannot even imagine the pain and suffering they are gong through right now and then it hit me. The Atonement helps us through experiences like these. Life is hard and we go through painful experiences whether emotional or physical. But if we turn to our Savior  and let him in, He can heal us and help us find joy. I am so grateful for the Atonement and its healing power. I am grateful that we are given hard and sometimes painful lesson so that we can become better. I still have a ton to learn so I realize I will probably have a lot more pain in my life but I look forward to it realizing it is for my good.