Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween and crafty-ness

So originally Little Jon was going to be an ewok for Halloween. The costume is simple enough. You get a teddy bear costume, drape a brown shirt over it and give the kid a spear and ta da! You have an ewok. On Saturday we were getting ready to go to a little street trick or treat thing as we started getting Little Jon ready I told Jonathan he was in charge of making a spear for Little Jon we couldn't find a rock for the spear head and Jonathan said paper was too lame. We also realized that our child would probably never hold said spear anyway so we opted out. When we bought Little Jon's costume several weeks ago they were out of teddy bears so we got a lion and figured it would work out well. We put the lion part on and realized it was way to small. In fact we had to cut a slit in the head piece just to get it on him. Were any of the snaps done? Maybe the ones by his ankles. So after pitting him in a too small costume we began trying to put the brown shirt over him... It didn't work, he threw a fit so Little Jon went as a lion for Halloween and I think he turned out extremely cute.

I have also been trying to be more crafty lately since I acquired my own sewing machine for $20 it is super old and in fantastic condition. I couldn't be happier. So while my mom was here she showed me how to make a pillow cover and I am very pleased with how it turned out.

I have also recently become a pack rat. I want to be crafty so bad but I don't have an established pile of junk craft stuff like button and fabric because A) I am poor and B) I haven't lived long enough to acquire said stash. So now I save anything and everything that could potentially make any kind of craft. So after having over 100 baby jars saved I finally came up with an idea of how to use them. I painted them Halloween characters and placed them all over the house. I really like how they turned out. They are all painted except the mummy which has gauze on it. The light ones look especially cool at night when we light tea lights inside of them.

Excuse the out of order ness of my pictures I am doing this from my phone and I'm not sure I am even doing it right.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, he does look so so cute. And I love that craft idea! I am not good at coming up with stuff. I can only copy other people's brilliance. Well done.
