Monday, September 17, 2012

Brags and Laughs and Plums

      So Little Jon may be the most chill of any baby I know, he is currently cutting 4 teeth and is acting no different than normal, I love my baby. He makes my life so easy, which in turn makes me terrified for this next one because it just isn't fair to get 2 super chill kids.
     Ok I had to get that my baby rocks out of my system. So Little Jon has learned how to pull himself up and stand which is forcing us to slowly baby proof our house, which is always exciting.  Little Jon can also stand by himself unsupported... if he doesn't realize he is doing it. It is quite funny to watch his face as he stands there and then realize he is not holding onto anything. The instant terror is fantastic, yeah I'm a great mom. I also love when he can't figure out how to sit down. So he will be standing crying and I try to show him how to sit and help him and then he cries more and looks at me like "Mom, I didn't want to sit down!"
     Little Jon has also learned how to shut his door recently. We keep all the doors in our house shut so he cant get into our bedroom the bathroom etc but we leave his door open so he can play in his room all he wants, even though most of his toys are in the living room. Anyway he has gotten in the habit of crawling into his room and whether on purpose or not he shuts the door. When he first started this he was just playing with the door and liked to shut it but very soon afterward we heard him hitting the door and crying since obviously he cant open his door. I would go open the door to try and help him but he was so fascinated with the opening door that he would keep shutting it therefore starting an open shut game, its pretty cute.
     Now that Little Jon has matured and knows the art of closing doors he crawls into his room sits, looks at me and smiles, and then shuts his door. He then begins to squeal and play with whatever he can find in his room which is actually quite baby safe, lucky us. My son is only 9 months old and he is already playing on his own in his room happy, it is nice but kinda sad because I can't jsut watch him play. Soon he gets bored though and I get to be the hero that saves him from the closed door and it makes it all better.
     So we have a plum tree in our front yard actually it is on the other side of the sidewalk, like right next to the curb, but still our property and therefore still our tree, make sense? So when we first moved in several neighbors came by to let us know that this tree had been a community plum tree that people just come by and take plums and that is how it has been for many years. So even if we wanted to make it our private tree it is virtually impossible because of the previous conditioning of the neighborhood. I didn't think that would be a problem I mean what am I going to do with an entire tree of plums. So this morning our doorbells rings and as I open the door and 40-50 year old hispanic man starts talking to me in spanish, I love being able to speak only one language...not. Anyway so I have no idea what he is saying but I figure out that he wants some plums so I say go ahead you may have some plums your welcome etc. P.s. I am not sure these plums are totally ripe yet but whatever, his choice. Anyway so I go about my day being happy and feeling good about my generosity when I look out my window like 10 minutes later and the guy is still there picking my plums, he has a grocery sack full of them, at least 20 maybe 30 plums he has in his bag. So now I have a dilemma I am trying to be a good person and say you know maybe he needs the plums maybe he has no other food, maybe he is going to sell them so he has money to feed his family but on the other hand you just took a whole grocery bag full of my plums you jerk what if I was going to use those and man you are just so inconsiderate etc. I just went out to check my plum tree because as I was writing this I was getting more and more paranoid that There were no more plums on my tree and he had in fact taken them all, I've never had a fruit tree by the way so I have no idea how much fruit they actually bare, and I have to say I have been sufficiently humbled. I went to look at the tree and I saw plenty of plums left and now I feel like scum for being so selfish. So if anyone wants some plums.... I have some.

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