Thursday, May 17, 2012

I need a hobby

No really I do. Being a stay at home mom with one young child was supposed to make me instantly busy. Apparently babies like to sleep a lot so I spend a lot of my day doing... nothing. You see when there are things to be done but just a few I tell myself I will do them later, and then I don't. It is also not helpful that I tell myself I will do it later cause I will have time to do nothing for 5 hours and still get done the 2-3 things I need to that day. And the sad truth is that I often have time for both. Sometimes I think there are to many hours in a day, call me crazy I know. This is my predicament. I feel like I have nothing to do, I could clean my house but at most that takes me 1.5 hours. Then what? The only friends I have are still in school and as much as I like to go see them, I don't want to be the kid that graduated and couldn't move on, you know? I decided I would start scrapbooking after Little Jon was born as a hobby and I have all of my stuff organized in my craft room, except I dont have a table. I could pull it all out and put it in the kitchen table but that just seems stupid and like a ton of work. And the kitchen table probably still has breakfast on it. The other problem is that when Jonathan comes home from work he wants to relax and when someone else is here I am motivated to work, it doesn't work out well.  I feel like I am just watching my life slip away as I spend hours doing nothing. How do I make my life busy again with out spending money?


  1. Get a card table! That's cheap and then you could just have it all on there. Good luck with finding things to do, it's nice when you come and visit sometimes!

  2. OH MY GOSH. You just voiced what I was too ashamed to admit. I have been feeling the EXACT same way. For awhile I had fatigue and a bad sleeper to blame, which was a legitimate excuse, but now that we're sleeping better, I don't really know what to do with myself. It's like I have all the time in the world to do stuff, but because I have so much time, I don't do anything at all! I just keep putting stuff off. There are even times when I purposefully won't do something so that I'll have something to do the next day. Haha. Maybe try some new recipes? You have to buy food anyway so it wouldn't be an extra cost.

  3. I don't know if I have any suggestions but I can definitely relate. When Nicholas was born (he's my first) I had this really weird contradicting feeling of being really quite busy and at the same time terribly bored. I was the first of my friends to get married, we lived in a crappy apartment that wasn't really a safe place to be outside and we only had one car so I was stuck inside with the sleepiest baby in the universe. People suggested I get a job, or go back to school and the very thought made me break out in a sweat... I was too busy to do those things, and I wanted to be home with my baby. So, you are not alone... in this way 1 child is astronomically harder than 2 or 3. When my second baby came along it got easier because it seemed like they never slept at the same time and it was twice the work. Here's what I'd suggest. Whatever you decide to do, it should be fun or interesting or productive.... it would be awesome if it could be all 3. Maybe try something new. I LOVE to read. Occasionally, I decide to read a classic I've never read before. Then I feel like I'm being productive and expanding my mind as well as doing something I love.... My other suggestion is find something like a playgroup, or story time at the library/park and go every week. It really helps to have somewhere you have to be at a certain time. It gets you up, dressed, and out the door. Also, DON'T FEEL GUILTY!!! I forbid it! Enjoy the downtime and figure it out.... we all have to at some point. You hit upon a favorite subject of mine. I think it's because I was so surprised at being able to feel bored and busy at the same time but I have never forgotten how awful it was. Be strong, Cousin Lizzy... You can do this. Keep me posted, I'll be interested to see what insights you can offer.
