Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm too young to be a grandparent

So I was having a great day loving my little boy and holding him while I ignored all of my daily activities such as laundry, dishes etc. I was completely in love with my son and it's days like this that make me think the baby blues are history forever. As I was just gazing at my little boy I imagined that I was looking at Little Jon's first son. I imagine that that experience would make me think back to these days I have now holding my son. I wonder if all grandparents look at their grandchildren and remember their own children at that state. It was a very cool experience. It made me grateful for the ability I have to sit around at home and just hold my baby for hours on end. I know that once I have another child it will not be the same, and that even now everyday I will not want to hold my baby for hours on end, so I am trying to appreciate the time I have. Everyone says enjoy every moment, and I am trying to because I can already tell that the time will go by too fast and before I know it I will be a grandparent, looking at my grandson and trying to remember what it was like to hold Little Jon in my arms and take naps with him and to just cover him with my kisses. I know this time will end but I hope that it never leave my memory. Thank you grandparents for all the hard work, the kisses and the time you sacrificed for us. We dearly appreciate it and it helps us try to figure out how to raise our children in some sort of correct/similar fashion.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so this post brought tears to my eyes. You really nailed the feelings on the head. You are so smart to savor these moments. They really do grow up so fast. Just rub your face against that sweet downy head and smell his sweet baby smell and soak it up!

    I have to say that being a grandma is awesome too. It is amazing to see your own children being such good parents.
