Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Cabin fever

 Dear mom,
It has been so nice to have Betsy here. She is great with the kids and has helped out so much around the house. We will definitely miss her Shadow especially. We aren't sure what Betsy did to encourage her but Shadow is convinced they are best friends and won't leave her alone, it's been obnoxious. Today Jonathan dug up the back yard in preparation for the excavator to come really dig it up and put in the new water main line. I am excited to have this done even if we have to go without water again for a day or two. I've decided that being mentally prepared to have your water turned off is the biggest battle. Anyway Jonathan's boss and co-worker came over this morning to help and in just a couple hours they were done however it was hard work and Jonathan has the blisters to prove it . His hands are so sore it even hurts to type. He wore gloves too but it was just that difficult. 
The doc told me that if Emily gets sick in the first 3 months she will automatically admitted to the nicu. I thought having a baby in the summer meant we wouldn't be stuck at home as long. I think this is because she spent time in the nicu because that wasn't the rule with any of our other kids. I'm really looking forward to getting back to our schedule and everything. I am excited to clean the house and go to the store and go back to normal but I still have to wait a few weeks before I can do any major cleaning and now I have to be careful with Emily too. It's a little disheartening but I guess I will just get used to it. We love and miss you tons and it was so good to see your faces a couple days ago. SLY!

1 comment:

  1. It is hard right after a baby. You just feel so much better that you want to get going! That's an interesting rule about Emily. I guess most babies that come out of the NICU are pretty fragile. The 3 months will fly by though. :-)

    Betsy really is the pied piper with kids and animals. I really don't know how she does it. :-)
