Friday, June 29, 2012


So often I look at my bogs that I follow and I think Gosh why dont people update more.. then I realize I am such a hippo crate. This is me trying to be better. SOme of our recent happenings are that we finished our bathroom... mostly. It is functional and we are soooo happy, there are still other things to be fixed but they can wait. Pictures will come... once I figure out iPhoto. But in big news I am expecting again! Yay! We are so excited. I am due the end od December which will put our two little munch gins 1year apart. We aren't finding out the gender until the baby is born. I am feeling great! This pregnancy physically has been much easier than my last but emotionally more difficult but I think that is because I am in a more difficult part of my life right now. I am still trying to adjust to being a stay at home mom so I have all of those fun feelings multiplied by pregnancy it makes them really fun. I think it is funny how quickly I forget what pregnancy is like. I love being pregnant and it is fun for me to get the old symptoms back, like crying at almost any commercial.  Anyway thats our life and we like it!

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